Seven Habits

Habit 1-Be Proactive

You are in charge of you.  You decide your moods and your choices.  In 1W we decide to make proactive choices.  We stop, think, breath and count to 10, and give the best possible response.

(We made a proactive stoplight to help us remember the steps to be proactive instead of reactive)

Habit 2-Begin with the End in Mind

Have a plan!  Make goals and plan how you are going to achieve those goals.  In 1W we start our day by beginning with the end in mind.  Before we walk in the door we make a plan on how we will have a good day.

(We watched The Tortoise and the Hare and then made a map of all of the things that distracted Tortoise from winning the race)

Habit 3-Put First Things First

Work first and then play.  Put the most important things first so that you can do the fun things that you want to do.  In 1W a lot of students put first things first by doing homework right when they get home from school so that they have time to play before dinner.

(We made a list of things that were important to us and should come first and a list of things that can wait until the important things are finished).

Habit 4-Think Win-Win

When everyone wins everyone is happy!  It's a win-win!  Compromise so everyone is satisfied.  In 1W we compromise a lot during math workshop.  If our partner wants to play a different game than we do, we play rock paper scissors to see which game we will play first and then we's a win-win because both people benefit from the situation!

Habit 5-Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Listen to others before you pass judgement or dismiss their ideas.  In 1W we make sure that everyone has a voice and everyone has a turn to share their ideas.

Habit 6-Synergize

We work well together in groups and listen to everyone's ideas.  By working together we can come up with more efficient ideas than would alone.  In 1W we work together throughout the day to learn from our classmates and to come up with good solutions.

Habit 7-Sharpen the Saw

Make sure to have balance in your life.  Work is important, but so is taking care of yourself.  In 1W we make sure to work REALLY hard, but also have a little fun :)

 (1W Sharpens the Saw by working our minds during school, our bodies during PE and recess, and our hearts when we interact with friends.  1W worked our soul by practicing some yoga!)

To support your child in their journey to become a leader try using this language at home.  For more information please visit