Leadership Binders

1W uses Leadership Binders to set and achieve academic AND personal goals.  Our Leadership Binders consist of 5 sections that all serve their own purpose.

*Behavior Sheets
        -Student self assesses their behavior on a daily basis, writes down what they can work on, and writes down one thing they learned for the day.  The purpose is for children to take ownership of their actions, problem solve, and to communicate behavior to parents

*Reading Log
       -Students write down what they read for 15 minutes each night and then have their parents sign it.  The purpose is for students to practice writing (they write the title) and responsibility (they           must ask parents to sign it).

*Weekly Goals (In Progress)
       -Students set a weekly goal for themselves and write three ways they plan to accomplish that goal.  The purpose is to help students realize that any goal is possible if they Begin With the End in Mind (Habit #2) and have a plan.

*Math Data
       -Students are keeping record of each unit's post and pre-test scores in order to see their progress.  We are also keeping track of our +/- fact fluency.   So far, we have taken the +/- 1 and +/-2 fact fluency test.  

      -This section is to show our personal victories.  You may see papers in here like our "How Did You SHINE BRIGHT today?"

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